Join WMXM 88.9 FM for a night of the edgiest psych/punk rock sound that transforms a 1800s Gothic style chapel into a gritty night in Chicago’s underground. Mannequin Men is raved as the loudest and most out of control Windy City groups. The band will be previewing songs from their newest self-titled effort, due out on Addenda on November 8th. They are supported by Rabble Rabble, a wild group from Chicago’s budding Logan Square.

“If the Replacements had met Peter Sellers on the floor of a dive bar somewhere in the Midwest, they may have drunkenly thought up the Mannequin Men.
Four punker-types with a penchant for getting wild at house parties and spending their free time in a CCR cover band… Formed in late 2003, founding members Kevin Richard, Seth Bohn, and Ethan D’ercole (And then bassist Rick Berger) began the group as an excuse to hang out together, and write songs in their dingy practice space they wished they were hearing more of elsewhere… They began playing all over the great city of Chicago and some scattered Midwest gigs, sharing stages with The Black Lips, The Circle Jerks, No Age, and the like, leaving a trail of spilt drinks and sweat stains behind them…
Quicker to smile than sneer, amidst the barn burning rockers, they also have soft spots in their collective hearts for sweet melodies and hooks as big as anchors. Sitting somewhere between the Wipers’ razor sharp punk, and choruses stripped and ripped from all those British invasion tunes that warped the minds of impressionable youth all around the globe in that era they call the ‘60’s’…” – Facebook.com/MannequinMen
New Self-Titled Album out November 8th, 2011 on Addenda

“When they describe the music of RABBLE RABBLE as ‘scorching,’ you better not take it for granted, because before you know it you will be face down in the dirt wondering what just the hell just hit you.”- styrofoamdrone.com
“A noisy yet “together” pop sensibility, [a]n experimental maturity.” – History In A Minor Key
Here’s where it’s at:
Lily Reid Holt Memorial Chapel
Lake Forest College
555 N Sheridan Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
I remember those crazy prembuls. I think I worked with Walter tell him Hi. Congrats on being in MMI. I couldn’t imagine living in 155. Just reading your blog is surreal and normal. I know what you mean. It must be even more so actually being there. In some ways I’m jealous, and in others ..